The old saying, ‘You catch more flies with honey than
vinegar’ is similar to what I’m thinking.
Nobody wants to be around a cactus
person, someone who is all prickly and hard to get close to; we like flower
people, all pretty and they smell nice. I was saying this the other day and
someone said to me that the prophets were all prickly so that set the example
for Christians today…implying we have to be course and tough and hard and,
well, prickly in order to separate ourselves from people who do not believe in
Christ and to get our point across. It’s scary to me what that whole mindset
points to. I chose to be a flower person and just walk away.
Jesus said that all the prophets were until John (Luke 16:16) and
all they did and all they wrote pointed to him (John 5:39). He said he came to
proclaim God’s favor for all of us who were poor, blind, captive, and oppressed
(Luke 4:18-19). It’s a new day and a new way from him forward. No demands, no
judgment, no condemnation, no finger pointing – no more prickly.
His message of
God’s favor was not a behavioral alignment with the laws of Moses that the Jews
had assumed were the very “truths” of God (Mark 7:6-8); but a fulfillment of
what behavioral adherence could NOT do – heal the hurts, repair the brokenness,
remove the darkness, and forgive the sin of the human heart (Matthew 5:17). He
came preaching and teaching that the sorrow we experience when we realize that
dysfunction in our hearts is the Holy Spirit at work drawing us to the Father
(John 6:44). He taught us that repentance isn't a bad thing but the very thing
God is looking for (Luke 18:10-14)! That message, that we are ALL sinners in
need of repentance, made him prickly cacti only to the religious leaders who
thought they had all the answers. They continually prodded Jesus for an
alignment from him to the way they stood up for the “truth” of their religion. They were so blind to what the “truth” really was that they couldn't even define who their neighbor was so they could fulfill their own idea of what
the “law” or, “truth” as they saw it demanded of them (Luke 10:29-37).
Jesus turned the demand for behavioral alignment upside down
and pointed to the human heart and our actions in a different way. When asked
out of all the commandments and demands of the religious law which one is the
greatest (which one should we really concentrate on to align with), his reply
was to love God with all our heart and soul and mind and our neighbors as
ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40) No prickly, no demands, just options and
Instead of demanding
alignment he paved the way for people to begin living with the Spirit of God in
them. To see themselves and their neighbors as God sees them. That Spirit would reveal
and direct them through and out of their sin and into a fullness of life never
available through self justification from having believed certain things or
even doing certain things. And some of that revealing takes time – it doesn't always happen overnight.
I believe we as a church (Branches in particular) need to
assume this very same attitude that Christ had. LET THE HOLY SPIRIT DO HIS
WORK! We want the people who do not have Jesus’ forgiveness and healing and
life to find it but what are we doing about it? I believe the root of our anemic and powerless effectiveness in our culture is because we haven't experienced that godly sorrow, repentance, forgiveness and healing of our hearts fully ourselves. Oh, we do church, we sing
songs, we pray, we give to the cause, we believe, we feel secure in our faith;
but what are we actually doing about it? The role of the church in the dark world is not to turn on the light to condemn sin and godlessness, but to share how he has brought us out of that darkness into his light and life.
At Branches Church we want to be able
to come as we are and continue our faith journey from there. That is available
for everyone – gay or straight, rich or poor, greedy or generous, lustful or
faithful, believing or unbelieving, addicted or clean, single or married,
pro-life or pro-choice, citizen or alien, employed or unemployed, receiving
welfare or self-sustaining, able to forgive or not able to forgive, loving or
hateful, trusting or skeptical, all need to be able to start or continue their
faith journey from where they are at without judgment or condemnation or
prickly demands from God’s people so that the Holy Spirit can do his work in
all of us. That means we have to accept people as they are and let them journey
forward in their faith just like Christ allowed us to do when we first came to
know him (or like the apostle said, rather, now that he knows us).
Is there definable sin? Yes. But that revelation and
awareness comes from the Holy Spirit – not the church. You may say that people
will not know if we don’t tell them. The only way I am going to listen to you
tell me how you see, say, greed in my life and I need to repent of it is if you
have earned my trust or friendship. This is what I mean when I say ‘what are we
doing about it?’ We can say this is a sin or that is a sin all day long and we
all can find a million ways to justify it or reason it out or redefine it so that it isn't. But
when the Holy Spirit reveals it to us, and a friend is there to help us through
it using God’s word to confirm what the Holy Spirit is doing and saying in our hearts (John 16:13-15) we
can identify what it is and repent, forgiveness removes it from our lives, we
are justified before God, and we become a new creature. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Another step in the journey has taken place without the church demanding a
behavioral alignment on the outside that does nothing to change the life on the
I believe we will see more people come into the Kingdom of
God because of being flower people rather than being cactus people. James said
it best: “If you are wise and understand
God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the
humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is
selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and
lying. For jealously and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things
are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. For wherever there is jealousy and
selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind. But the
wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving. Gentle at all
times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows
no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant
seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.” – James 3:13-18
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