Branches Church is about people. I know there are those who would immediately cringe at that philosophy and say that church is supposed to be about God. I believe the complications of religion begin right there in the why of doing church. One of the things Branches Church values is keeping church uncomplicated. So we're going to try to think outside the box of church, or religion, and see what God is up to in the world around us.
I once spoke with a guy who said he was reading his Bible and asking God to show Himself to him, but he didn't see God anywhere in it--it was just a bunch of stories about people. I replied with, "You mean stories about people who were trying to find God in their own life situations and circumstances and responding by either accepting or rejecting Him?"
"I never thought of it like that!" he said.
You see, even the Bible is written in such a way that we would have example after example of people to learn from, their footsteps to follow in, or their choices to learn from. Yes, it's God's Word - but it's not God, it's His Word. Much like this blog is not me, it's my thoughts and words put down for you to read. If you want to get to know me, come and visit, don't just read this blog. This format is too limited for me to reveal my whole thought process in.
The same goes for church or religion-- it's not God. It's not even for God, as if He needed anything from us. I can't imagine Him saying, "Oh boy, there's something I never thought of!" or "Wow, I never knew where to get one of these, thanks!" Church is supposed to be our expression of worship to God.
If we were to make church for God, it would become a to-do list of things we wouldn't want to forget and things we would want to remember in order to gain His acceptance or approval. Things we would define as acceptable or unacceptable. Things we would consider God is more pleased with because of the way we do them. Church would ultimately become about following the rules we set down for fear of not getting it right. We would constantly be comparing our own behavior to each other's to be sure we were doing it "correctly."
But if we make church about people, our church community becomes a safe place to share the ways God is speaking into our lives. Instead of comparing our to-do lists, we begin encouraging each other by pointing out where God is already at work in us. We begin to see where His life is showing itself in our daily living! That's the "why we do church" Branches is about - people finding God in the twists and turns of daily life! Uncomplicated.
I recently saw this quote and think it is so true. I thought of it again after reading your thoughts. "When you compare yourself to others, (as in thinking life's not fair!) you steal the joy God has for you" -Janet Anderson
ReplyDeleteThanks for reminding us to be the church, not"do church" and to encourage one another instead of comparing each other.
Mike, great post. Isn't it funny or ironic though that we attempt to make worshiping God so complicated. We start out as little children just talking to God about everything like why is grass green and why do bees sting. Then we grow up and think we need to do all kinds of manipulations of our life before we can approach God. Very sad, isn't it. Geez, do you think this is what Jesus meant when he said we are suppose to be like the little children?
ReplyDeleteHey Mike,
ReplyDeleteI think that "being" the church is what Jesus was trying to tell the disciples (and us) over and over again--e.g. "do you love me? Then feed my sheep." or "when you fed, clothed or visited the least of these, you did it for me."
Those are Sandy's paraphrases, BTW, but you know what I mean.
Don't you think there's a difference between "The Church" and a worship service, however? When you said "Church is for people" I was a bit taken aback because it has been part of my learning when I realized that the church service or worship service is for God and NOT for me. I no longer critique the sermon or the music or anything else because it's not a spectator sport and I'm NOT the audience--God is. To me it's a time to get together with other folks who want to praise and "love on" God with me.
I remember how struck I was when I learned that some denominations hold the worship service when there is only the minister and perhaps one or two in the congregation because the service is for God not them.
What do you all think?