
Monday, October 12, 2009

Be Prepared - What we learn from the Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts have a great motto: "Be Prepared". It has gotten many a boy, and man, through tough times or difficult circumstances just by giving them a fighting chance and an educated guess to work with. The preparation in living out that motto takes intentional time, effort, focus, and work on their part in order to "Be Prepared".

So too, the task before us in planting Branches Church. We say we are "Real People, Living Real Lives, in a Real World" but authenticity does not prepare us for action in our role as real people in the real world...being prepared does.

I'm thinking of two particular stories that Jesus talked about:
1. The Good Samaritan...Luke 10
2. The final judgment...Matthew 25
Both stories contain the accounts of people who had done the right thing by being prepared with what was needed at the time; medicine, money, compassion, friendship, food, water, clothing and the basic needs of life. Both stories have Jesus applauding those who were prepared for the task they found themselves in. He even went so far as to say that as they used their compassion and resources for those around them, they were actually using them for Him! It really hits home the Greatest Commandment; "love God with all your heart, soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself" and the New Commandment Jesus left His church: "love one another as I have loved you".

In wanting to be prepared, Robin and I are heading to a church planter's basic training. This training is sponsored by ARC (The Association of Related Churches) and is in Little Rock, AR and is seven days of intense unpacking of the things it is going to take to organize and establish Branches Church as a new congregation. It sheds light on what it takes to be prepared to have the best launch day we possibly can and what to expect during our first year as a new church in our community. We also have our Church Planter Assessment this month in Atlanta. It consists of a two day interview with ARC on our ministry, our game plan, our gifts and fit, the core team, Branches financial state, and how ARC can come alongside and help. Be prepared. It's a good motto. It's a lot of work and commitment. It's worth it.

I heard a story today about two farmers. They both prayed for rain at the beginning of the season but none was falling. One went out and plowed his dry field and the other waited for it to rain before he did his work...which one was living in faith? Be prepared. It's a good motto.


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